Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

Out of the Mouths of Children

Sometimes knowing how to get involved in complex political or social issues can be stressful and overwhelming – questions come up, like where do we focus our energy for the best results, what will make a difference, what kind of type of help is best, how does faith inform our work, how do we do good ministry without falling into paternalism, etc. I’ve been thinking about this issue of how things are not always black and white a lot lately – most important things in life are complex and hard to label, and most of us really would prefer neater, clear-cut categories I think. (more on this later…) But sometimes, in the midst of complex questions like how to end world hunger, a simple, clear, encouraging answer shines through. Here is one…

A colleague at work, Seth, told me this story after he helped get an event going in west Texas that was started and perpetuated by a zealous seven year-old. She saw the TV special with Brad Pitt this summer that talked about how many people are suffering from AIDS, poverty, and hunger around the world, and she wanted to do something to help. So she and her mom brought ONE Campaign materials to a children’s

fair and set up a table, made a finger-paint poster with children’s hands on it, and got over 350 signatures (which is no small feat, even for an adult to get!) After the event, she sent photos of smiling elementary-age kids wearing the ONE bands and painting on the poster, and she wrote Seth a thank you note for his help in doing the event, saying:

“Dear Seth, I hope everyone can live. I want to help.”

Sometimes seven year olds get the basic message of what we all want to say, even when we get distracted or wrapped into the details. I still don’t always know what to do, or how, or the future of how to live into my concern for these issues – but maybe the first step is caring about the lives of others, and then saying I will do my part to help – whatever that turns out to be. Thanks, God, for children’s hearts that are still soft and remind me to be open, for friends along the journey who also strive to know how to help, how to receive, how to give. I hope everyone can live. I will help.

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