Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

Pausing Before a New Year Unfolds

This morning I’ve had the luxury of reading, journaling, praying, and soaking up some time in reflection. I enjoy doing this as chapters come to a close or open in life, and the closing of the calendar year and the beginning of another season is one great time to do this. I am reminded, even as I have time right now to do this exercise, that I must make regular space for turning inward, becoming aware of my own questions and worries, dreams and hopes. I sometimes don’t even know what I need, what I am lacking, all that I have to be grateful for, what God is whispering, and what is driving me – until I stop to listen, process, become aware, and ask God for help. It’s such a renewing and revitalizing practice, so it surprises me that I still have to work to get myself to do it, and still have to quiet down all the other voices and noise in everyday life in order to access the space to be quiet and listen and receive. So for anyone else who struggles with carving time out for reflection, or pressing pause in order to remember where you’re heading, this is for you.

A few of the phrases that I read today jumped off the page, and made their way into my journal and my memory as reminders of such great truth; I hope they also make

their way into my life in a more profound way as well! I thought I would share these thoughts as we all turn toward another new year:

“The solution to loneliness is solitude.”  – C.John Weborg (one of my sem. profs, and a wonderful human)

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them and the point is to live everything! Live the questions now…”  – Rainer Maria Rilke (poet, one who is a recurring theme in my life)

“An authentic life is the most personal form of worship.”  – Sarah Ban Breathnach (author I enjoy, wrote “Simple Abundance”)

“She wasn’t where she had been. She wasn’t where she was going… but she was on her way. And on her way she enjoyed food that wasn’t fast, friendships that held, hearts glowing, hearts breaking, smiles that caught tears, paths trudged and alleys skipped. And on her way she no longer looked for the answers, but held close the two things she knew for sure. One, if a day carried strength in the morning, peace in the evening, and a little joy in between, it was a good one… And two, you can live completely without complete understanding. She was on her way.”  – Jodi Hills (text on card from a good friend)  

4 thoughts on “Pausing Before a New Year Unfolds

  1. Thank you for YET ANOTHER reminder to slow down, look around and visit inside.

  2. I have been trying with no success to obtain copyright permission to use “She wasn’t where she had been…”

    I would be grateful if someone would contact me.

    Thank you, Ruth

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