Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

Entering PhD Exam Land

This week begins my two-week focus on taking my written exams. Nov. 30 I’ll meet with all four of my proctors for my oral exam where I defend my written tests. My four areas are Theological Ethics, Reformed Theology, Evangelical Missiology, and Christian Community Development. So far I both enjoy the process of putting everything together in a systematic way, and am very aware of how much I don’t know! My prayer is that I can be part of God’s good work in the world through bringing my small part to this vast academic realm; it’s an intimidating process to be sure, and I am working to trust God’s ability to use even me here. I will do my best intellectually, and do my best to remain myself through it all. After all, that is all I can really

give; I can’t bring someone else to this task.

Last year while studying I wrote a poem that reflected some of how odd the process of accumulating knowledge in the academic realm has been. I thought of it again today:

Wounded by Knowledge


Wounded by knowledge

deep and reflective the blade

that sweeps down, under, over, through

muscle and limb, belief and fear


Questions etched in the table top

with tenses and articles that poke

around place or vocation or community

bathed in clean facts or antiseptic answer


Knowing I do not know is cooling

soft and healing at the gaping hot sore

of my finite story and need for sleep

pushing against weighty scholar robes


Living breath shapes even more words

volumes to critiques to thoughts and on

then back up is the pen to scratch

indelible scab promoting its very ointment 


2 thoughts on “Entering PhD Exam Land

  1. Even as a stay-at-home mama, I appreciate the poetry you put to your life as a student – such well chosen words! When you cross my mind I’ll be praying for you – as a wife of a particularly prone to stress former grad student, I can fathom the pressure and desire to do well. I think you said it best: put yourself – smart, tenacious, thoughtful, and beautiful Liz – out there and see what God has planned for you!

  2. Beautifully said. God has used you more than you know already to teach others, and I confident this process will continue to flourish.

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