Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

If Obama Met Jed Bartlet

This fictional interview was too good not to post! Even though its obviously pro-Obama in its orientation, if you have ever enjoyed the intellect and humor that was Aaron Sorkin’s “The West Wing,” you must read this article, whatever your current political stripes. The reader can practically hear Martin Sheen saying these lines and looking at Obama with his very, Martin Sheen-esque presidential look. This was my afternoon humor for the day! And it also happened to include some very good points related to the changing winds of the upcoming election.

2 thoughts on “If Obama Met Jed Bartlet

  1. Great article…I miss Jed Bartlet – my favorite president so far, fictional or not!

  2. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this! I somehow missed it, but it was perfect timing to read it right now.

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