Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

Overheard Musings

It is good to have others who have seen my insides and my cracks and my naive wonder and my hopeful dreams, she said.

It is good that others might be able to understand that maybe I can’t see where it all fits right now, she said. My shelf doesn’t hold the present – I feel like I keep rearranging my past dreams, my unfocused day to day, and my hopes… they don’t seem to go together. It’s more like they compete, knock each other around, or keep introducing themselves to each other.

This can’t be adult life, she said. This can’t be how it happens, where a slump drifts into a season that stretches into a lifetime of chasing fulfillment.

This just may be adult life, she said. But I want it to remain my life. My future, my intention; not my reaction, my fears. I choose a life full of the possible. Full of following God. Full of love for others. Full of all the bumps and bruises others may try to hide.

She said.
And I smiled.

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