Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

To Belong

To belong
is to be made lovely
to collect together
to call
to craft
to create
a something
a story
a self

to bring all of it to the surface
to see it
to name it
to give thanks for it
to say it is good.
I am good.
These places and spaces
I’ve seen
the ways I have existed
to be me

All Of These
the ways I’ve walked
and wept
in this world
it all belongs to me
it all is me.

So I can gather me
All of Me
carry all of this she
into Those spaces
into Their worlds
into That reality

because if I belong to myself
I can belong anywhere.
To belong
is to be made lovely.

We just finished a four-month preaching series on the word “Belong.” It has been a rich time for our congregation – and for me – to reflect on what does it mean to belong, who do I belong to, and what does belonging mean, look like, feel like? At our staff retreat this winter when we launched this theme we discussed our series on “Belong” and talked about what belonging meant for each of us. I took a walk over lunch and wrote this poem – it’s been sitting with me this whole season, and I was reminded recently how important knowing we belong – to God, to others, to ourselves – is. Belonging roots our identity, our memory, our leadership, our decisions, and it keeps our stories together. belonging also helps us trust and grow and question and heal; without belonging its hard to fully believe and to fully become who God made us to be. Belong: I am thankful for this reminder in this season. I Belong. We belong.

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