Rev. Dr. Liz Mosbo VerHage

Pastor. Professor. Consultant. Coach. Author. Wife & Mom.

Join the Emerging Conversation

For the past two years, I’ve been privileged to be part of a conversation of ’emerging leaders’ in the Evangelical Covenant Church interested in renewing a movement for justice and talking about holistic discipleship. The group is called “The Young Pietists” and we work to encourage people to be actively engaged in conversation, witness, and reflection in their own contexts. A large focus of the group is to help connect, encourage, and inform people (especially those in their 20’s and 30’s), who may need community, ideas, and support in ministry and in the church.

As part of our focus on having conversations and building community, the Young Pietists twice annually publish a theological journal called “The Narthex.” We have been publishing for two years now and have some amazing articles on topics such as, what is biblical justice? what is holistic discipeship? what is worship? what is the multicultural church?, as well as resources, book reviews, original poems and music, sermons, action ideas, and much more (previous issues are downloadable online).

We are intentionally

trying to invite more conversation partners into the pages of The Narthex. We have a sale right now – the usual annual rate (for two issues), is $8.00, and right now we are offering up to five new subscriptions for $10.00 – or $2.00 per subscription for a year! If you want to subscribe and send the journal to friends, parents, children, students, church staff, etc., you can do that too for this reduced price. The first issue will be sent to you in February, addressing the issue of worship – any worship leaders or musicians you know who might enjoy this?

If you’d like to subscribe online you can do that here, or contact me through a comment on the blog or email for more information. Welcome to the conversation! I know it will be stronger and richer with the more diverse and interested voices that we add.

Along with a group of friends, I have been active in the last two years with an informal

3 thoughts on “Join the Emerging Conversation

  1. Hi,

    I just found you via tall skinny kiwi. I’d be interested in meeting up with you all tonight at midwinter. Any specific meeting location?

    I’m a Cov. youth pastor in RI.

    Brian Estrella

  2. Brian –
    Sorry to miss you in CO, hope you had a great week. If you want to talk/email further, just let me know how to connect with you further. thnx.

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